Conference “Value and Benefit of Networking – Or Is Net-working Not-working?“ and ENCC European Project Fair - Vienna

Project Fair and Conference “Value and Benefit of Networking – Or Is Net-working Not-working?“ 28th & 29th October 2010 in Vienna

Project Fair and Conference “Value and Benefit of Networking – Or Is Net-working Not-working?“ 28th & 29th October 2010 in Vienna

Networking - not working Konferenz, 2010


Registration closed!

The European Network for Cultural Centres ENCC invites to the 4th European Project Fair taking place in Vienna! The event is organised by IG Kultur Österreich in cooperation with the EU-Department of the Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture BMUKK, the Cultural Contact Point Austria CCP-Austria and the Europe for Citizens Point Austria ECP-Austria .

Project Fair and Conference location:
RAUM Gumpendorferstraße 63b 1060 Wien, Austria Map

The participation in the Conference and Project Fair is free of charge. The Conference will be held in English and German.
Registration under office at
As international exchange and networking is essential for any cooperation. The ENCC as the European network of cultural centres aims to promote international exchange of cultural workers along with intercultural communication. The annual Project fairs, held especially to establish international partnerships, offer participants from all over Europe the opportunity to exchange expertise and build up new contacts for coming joint projects.
This year’s Project Fair starts on Thursday 28th of October with a panel discussion in the evening. In search of value and benefit of networking Stefan Rabl (Dschungel Wien/ theatre for children) and Soeren Soeborg Ohlsen (Huse i Danmark, Kopenhavn) will share their personal experience on national and international networking. The talk will be hosted by Martin Fritz (Curator, Vienna).
Afterwards the participants get the chance to personally meet and exchange at a typical Viennese Heurigen with live music by “ KOSCHANOD”. Participation fee: 20 € p.p., booking necessary at @email
The next day starts with the EU - Breakfast, where representatives of the CCP-Austria, ECP-Austria and the executive agency of the EU-Commission give information on funding opportunities in EU programmes for cultural projects and answer upcoming questions. The participating cultural centres can build up their exhibition display stands on Thursday evening or Friday morning, and present their work on Friday between 10.30 and 2 pm at the Project Fair. After the EU - breakfast a guided tour around the Project Fair will be followed by the opportunity to get into contact as well as purposive exchange.
As the space for the exhibition stands is limited, registration at office at is absolutely essential!
Three panel discussions on Friday afternoon will deal with various aspects of international cooperation. The presentation of successful projects related to the terms “Mobillity”, “Voluntary Work” and “Lobbying and Networking” will lead to debate on limits and difficulties of the particular practical fields.
In the evening the 20th Birthday Party of IG Kultur Österreich will anew provide opportunity for extensive networking!

Hotelinfo.pdf65.14 KB ProgrammeEnglish.pdf513.98 KB Participants.pdf54.34 KB

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